I walked into a tavern it was cheap and small With an ancient sign and jukebox that leaned against the wall A girl stood near the jukebox with sad and hurting eyes When I asked if she was lonely she replied Drop some silver in the jukebox and I'll dance with you Though there's other guys around here much handsomer than you But you seem like a good guy so I'll give you first chance Drop some silver in the jukebox and we'll dance So I fed the silent jukebox just to dance with her And she played the longest saddest songs that I've ever heard Then I asked her if she'd join me for a drink or two or three Drop some silver in the jukebox and I'll drink your wine And listen to that case of blues that you got on your mind For your hearts either broken or badly bent I think Drop some silver in the jukebox and we'll drink So we talked and danced and drank right up till closing time And when we walked out from the tavern why I had spent my last thin dime So I ask her if she'd care to hear a little music up at my place She shoved that same ol' message in my face