the greed of passions the expression of love is equal to her mortality mournful like we are while hiding the reality you once danced in me, he danced too both of you so mystical, both of you so venomous together equal don't know what's regret your name is love, his name is death an eltar of grief, a grave of my heart penthagram on it i divide in every part who spoke to us why we're asleep by whom it became who creates the reality the reality moonshine lies now on your breast mixed with blood, condemned the rest the entire epitaph contains all your life seduced was i divine was your pride the greed of all passions changed into the doom you felt into endless sleep, my heart cannot be renewed my so deep wound still remains the same and light's now only shade of grey who spoke to us why we're asleep by whom it became who creates the reality impact of hallucinogenic clarity defies that which i used to pray for void - entire emptiness descended to my heart the way raindrops fall someone said that love and death together danced let me awake, again...