Jack's sittin' back in a pitch black box When some light shines through a crack in the corner Will he take the risk break out of this Place that he hates or will he just sit and wonder If he springs out there's no doubt that his system might be shocked But he's afraid what it might take for him to unlock The box 1st chorus You can be free if you want to Travel outside the lines If you dare to be individual No tellin' who's inside The box Jacklyn's got green hair, piercings everywhere She's not scared to be different She does what she loves above all There's not any walls in her environment She's herself no one else she knows you only get one time To wear your shoes in life and view the world from outside The box 2nd chorus You can be free if you want to Travel outside the lines If you dare to be individual No tellin' who's inside The box Repeat chorus The box The box