Mirror, Mirror, on my wall, Tell me, who is the loneliest fool of all No, wait a minute, I believe I see The answer staring back at me Spent most of the morning laying in bed Lunch was a black coffee and three cigarettes They say it will kill me, but I've got a hunch That this broken heart's gonna beat 'em to the punch Mirror, Mirror, on my wall, Tell me, who is the loneliest fool of all No, wait a minute, I believe I see The answer staring back at me Yes, I'm the one who swore she would stay Right up to the moment the U-Haul drove away She didn't leave a table; she didn't leave a chair But she knew what she was doing when she left you hanging there Mirror, Mirror, on my wall, Tell me, who is the loneliest fool of all No, wait a minute, I believe I see The answer staring back at me No, wait a minute, I believe I see The answer staring back at me