Do I see a light? new old nun good boy new seed old bone go away leaves gray don'l come back another day for clean young boy eyes new me over standing over flush it down there no remorse a n d no forgiveness little baby say goodby don't forget! and don't remember I'm a good boy, mother see me? Perfect. Can you hear me Do you know who it is Honey It's me I'm right here Amd I'll be here everyday, okay So don't worry aboul anything darling I'm right here That's right Concentrate on your breathing sweetheart Everything's okay now Just dream darling just dream Everything's alright honey yon can go to your dreams now Dream darling You can let go now Baby We're all safe together And you can go now How do you feel today I feel fine / do you mean it can't / I know that / I want to / help / 234 6690 234 6690 lost it / where / where / doorway dead shot blue sky yellow bird nice girl open close how do you do I think I'm good Fucker Fucker Don't think Don't think Don't think Out Out get out of here get out of here 678 678 678 678 Bingo! You've won a million dollars! [laughter] Butcher butcher on the wall Who's the biggest fool of all I am! me too and me too and you and me and also. How about you? SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP 678 678 Alright, move it out. Get out. OUT! OUT! And although dismembered, his twisted and disconnected limbs rose in a cloud of glory and they reigned over the timid and the fearful as a symbol of courage and of truth unbounded and a triumph over Death. glory glory glory [laughter] glory glory glory Today I awoke up down and I you wasn't too much tired awake asleep baby pink soft. It was as such a nice girl day I was astonished that it was so cheerful suprise good boy now. Were you ready for bed-that? what comes. Not at all ten feet tall sir ma'am. Thank you. My God time-is it late? passes-was that me again so slowly I just think- IS it? Really? -time to go-stop go stop go stop stop stop stop it stop th stop it stop it stop it well... if you can't eat it, wear it we say it's not so bad shit shit shit shit shit catch! caught it STINKER boy oh boy.. That was a good one oth smooth slick fluid viscous come and get it oops stop it stop it (vomit) get 'er get 'er oh boy oh boy boy boy girl boy girl boy girl boy girl boy