


If dreaming about it
Is the only way
To take care of me

It's all I can do
I will be there all night long
Just wait for me now
If you're sleeping I will be there

'Cause all I want is you
I can feel it every second
If dreaming about it
Means starting to lose
The game is over!

Just being myself
Will I find that elusive remembrance?

Please show me the way
To your dreams
I won't miss

It's all I can do
I will'be there all night long
Just wait for me now
If you're sleeping
I will be there-

'Cause all I want is you
I can feel it every second
If dreaming about it
Means starting to lose
The game is over!

The game is over
It's just a game

'Cause all I want is you
I can feel it every second
If dreaming about it
Means starting to lose
The game is