(The Ballad Of Jesse James) I dreamt I was in heaven among the angel's gold feeded by a pleasant hand that dealt the playing cards no sorts of bones whatever creeping on the ground 'cause bonds of faith may always sever but my gun is still around now I just found a game like a mortal upper story play the final showdown scene 'til you are gone to glory both friends and foes agree accused of breaking laws there is no money in this secret box the fodder to my purse maybe I am wrong maybe I am right maybe I'm not strong enough maybe I will die like a tawny snake in a torrid clime the twilight 'til the dawn of time maybe I disclaim my honour maybe I will jumping down the running train - jumping down the running train - jumping down the running train the ballade of Jesse James there was a little lady she was twined in golden hair don't want to take her to my heart 'cause dollars doesn't smell she felt down on her knees I cant forget the sound 'cause bonds of faith may always sever but my gun is still around from the deepground of the ocean to the top of mountains high where love threw up the sponge fear got the upper hand an insidious bullet from behind the coffin let me learn there's no money in this secret box just fodder to the worms maybe...