Never knew what she was doing, poor wiccan maid Once called for love, now pray'd for anguish Without minding the warning upon was laid She fell in love with the beauty of malice So tempting was the hand of eternal evil A hand with a shortcut to all the power and knowledge But you should know that hand that reaches out to help you Is a hand that hurts you the most "demon..come to me.. ..i know..i can handle thee!" As cast circle filled with a blazing flame A precense of angel enlightened her room An angel of whiteness but with forbidden name A herald of darkness, there he stood An eyes of wisdom on a furious face Bewitching sheen and profounding gaze Sparkling of hate but a grin so mild With frenzy anger it gently smiled "yes, i remember you and your pathetic call You really thought you could control my mind A demonic might you desired to gain Very well, we play it now your way" "into the pyre now follow me I'll show you what's within thee All thy dreams are soon to be real Just relinquish your soul to me" "into the pyre i will follow thee Just to seek what is within me As crimson wildly now throbs from me I'll deliver my soul to thee" So tempting was the hand of eternal evil A hand with a shortcut to all the power and knowledge But you should know that hand that reaches out to help you Is a hand that hurts you the most " purest desire... Thou know..i'll yield to thy fire" As now the young witch buried her broom And never again would her flowers abloom Never again would a brave shoot rise from deep She only could hear her earthly mother silently weep.