Mailboxes drip like lampposts in the twisted birth canal of the coliseum Rim job fairy teapots mask the temper tantrum O' say can you see 'em Stuffed cabbage is the darling of the Laundromat 'N the sorority mascot sat with the lumberjack Pressing passing stinging half synthetic fabrication of his-- Time The mouse with the overbite explained how the rabbits were ensnared 'N the skinny scanty sylph trashed the apothecary diplomat Inside the three-eyed monkey within inches of his toaster oven life In my mind I'm half blind My inner ref Is mostly deaf I'm smell impaired If you cared My sense of taste is wasted on the phosphorescent orange peels of San Francisco axe-encrusted frenzy So let me touch you Let me touch you Let me touch you Let me touch you Where the Ro-yal Jelly gets made Coleratura singers bringing weeds and social clingers Hangers-on and fancy flingers To the dress ball Mushrooms and bowling pins Stove pipe hats and other things I can't recall From Juvenile hall We're so unlucky and stuff Woodrow Wilson never had it so tough Dairy Queen and Vaseline and Maybelline Paul Bunyan and James Dean Allegory agencies of pre-Raphaelite paganry And Shenandoah tapestries Compared with good mahogany Collapsing the undying postcard romance With feline perspicacity By the university That night I held a paucity Which you deemed common courtesy I wasn't what you thought I'd be I shouldn't have invited you to dance In my tree I'm halfway free And in my chair One quarter there In my dream One-sixteenth cream In the coffee of the Courtier Of the sycophant assistant to the king So let me touch you Let me touch you Let me touch you Let me touch you Where the Ro----yal Jelly gets made