Father, you know where I have been and you know what I have done they say that you see everything so you know I never hurt no one What I have stolen won't be missed By those who had so much, so long We'll soon be laughing about this They will never notice it was gone And I could bend the universe If I can only get there first There are some foolish fresh laid plans My fate is firmly in your hands Take If you must take me But I cannot go peacefully I left someone waiting for me I left things so terribly... Undone They say that man is just your seed Spilled out on the thirsty earth A simple servant of your needs from the moment of our birth Tell me am I not your seed? Tell me am I not your son? Tell me have you just forgotten All those years of devotion Take If you must take me But I cannot go peacefully I left someone waiting for me I left things so terribly... Undone