


(theories of origin contradicted
in an outcome of foreseen demise re-evolution begins with the manipulation of a self-destructive species) deconstruct to re-generate inventing history for a population contradicted virus of the weak stems to multiply scapegoat of human untruth tactical extremities collide programmed mechanism of control engineering systematic fall mortal decimation regulating cycle of genetics infiltrated tolerance of life over reconditioned co-existant mind contort purity invert nature non compliant breach of humankind raping evolution with infection virtual decline is unrelenting theories of demise now real uncondition history re-inventing its tomorrow replicated network of disease perceptions corrode inorganic spore of defectives emergent agitating futile imminence a twisted innovation origins erased and denied weaken to infect the evolution chain neutralize capacity of comprehension vertigo perpetuating dementia lacerate the soul errors of the mind mechanizing perceptions of non reality human fragmentation pre-determining existence bring repeated ages to an end modified collision of the opposites igniting in a blur to kill my own bloodlines consume silence tactical collision forging lifeless end (inventing a history for an already extinct population a virus of the weak stems to multiply scapegoat of human untruth tactical extremities collide) consequence breeding our disintegration violated system nullified inhumane sacrifice bloodlines are engulfed in silence activating calibrated database of indignation prism of the mind walls that close in kill my own non reality regulated cycle of genetics infiltrated with fate human fragmentation bringing end of life no one is immune trapped inside caged within untruth.