Three cheers! They're at it again. Three cheers! They'll be at it to the end. So drink some big beers and go crazy tonight. They're all dressed up and they'll be gettin' it tonight. Big swingers in double knits tonight. Bib babies gonna get in a fight. Actin' crazy bustin' up the chairs. Doubled over gettin' sick on the stairs. They know the limits 'cause they cross them every night. The dull sensations as it turns real hot white. The guys in the back with their heads on the floor. Surrounded by their buddies they're all hollerin' for more. Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh Wo-oh it's Mister B's Ballroom. Party time turn the musika loud. Party time lose your head in the crowd. Yellin' laughin' tryin' hard to act smart. Put 'em under pressure and you watch them fall apart. Freeze! Come on out of there. Freeze! You ain't goin' nowhere. Freeze! Put your hands on your head. Freeze! It's Mister B's Ballroom. Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh Wo-oh it's Mister B's Ballroom