Gimme more! Tell me are you ready, soul of mine? ...Going to be ready?!? We pay no mind, pay no mind! Honey are you ready? Roll the die... Crown and Coke are ready; ...Just steady the mind, stay in line! Jesus is-a-coming and he wants more! Jesus isn't coming and he wants more! Everything is coming and we want more, we say: MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! Summon all the ready criminal minds. Heavy, but they're ready, We'll save the mind, stay in line. Probably they're running on your property line... Pocket till you're ready; ...Well I better take what's mine, save what's mine! Jesus is-a-coming and he wants more! Homeless are-a-coming and they want more! Christians are-a-coming and they want more, we say: MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! Salesman are-a-coming and they want more! Christmas is-a-coming and kids want more! Armageddon is-a-coming and we want more, we say: MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! (Gimme more!) MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! (Gimme more!) Souls may cry all inside your mind. What we FAKE, is what you TAKE! Lighting the fire, I know... to war we ride! Woooaaaah!! Take a little money and we want more! Have a little money and he wants more! Everything is money and we want more, we say: MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! Salesman are-a-coming and they want more! Christmas is-a-coming and kids want more! Armageddon is-a-coming and we want more, we say: MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! (Gimme more!) MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! (Gimme more!)