You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon! We are the river! We are the stone! And you're never alone, while you're feeding the crux of you, YOU BRAVE ACADIAN Oh, thank you... thank you!!! PARALYZED, TERRORIZED. IN MY EYES I'VE ALWAYS FALLEN END THIS LINE, ENDLESSS LIE ENDLESSLY BUT I'M STILL FALLING BREAK ME AWAY FROM MY T. Hold on tight! Hold on to you! PARALYZED, TERRORIZED IN MY EYES I'VE ALWAYS FALLEN END THIS LINE, ENDLESS LIE ENDLESSLY, SO PIXILLATE ME!!! PARALYZED, TERRORIZED. IN MY EYES I'VE ALWAYS FALLEN ENDLESS LIES, ENDLESS LIE ENDLIESS LINES BUT STILL I'VE FALLEN Break me away from my T ...hold on tight... It's this HOPE...that gives us...