Stepping up from the ghostly scene by the manhole smoke machines waiting for the coast to clear. Playin' a tune with a tiny tone on her ribcage xylophone in a key that no one else can hear. Sandie, what's that face about? You've got so many rounds yet to go, and so many more nails to bend before you reach the end of the road. Staring out through the window pane at the pellets of pregnant rain tapping out a drumroll down below. Filling up all the cracks and dents and high-fives in the hot cement from the hands you'll never get to know. Oh Sandie, what's that face about? You've got so many rounds yet to go, and so many more nails to bend before you reach the end of the road. On a crystal night, up on the canyon's side I saw the western sky turn to red. But it couldn't touch the flames burning up your brains that I saw through the frames in your head. Sandie, what's that face about? You've got so many rounds yet to go, and so many more nails to bend before you reach the end of the road.