


Time is cruel, it goes by slowly 
We are dying slowly in the sweet inactivity 
unworthy of death's attention 
- the only real otherness 
rubbing against the aspects of life 
leaving deathlike smell of millenium behind 
on skeletons of empty existence 

Pious crowd of twelve trumps, 
unsated of blood, 
deceived of prophet's lies, 
faithing vainly against time 
executes reverencing insane deeds 
to regain lost hours 
soaked in blood of time 
to glory of dead force. 

Trailers of unstraight thoughts 
leave for their immemorial hunts, 
go through the dreams 
don't know the limits of time. 
Millenium like warriors 
tread across the universe 
leaving persistent trace of passage 
and announcing arrival.