Devil's Gift

Final Words

Devil's Gift

You already wasted too much of my time
While I let your life you slowly destroyed mine
I'm actually happy that you're gone
Maybe now you can understand the meaning of wrong

I don't want an apology
All of your words mean shit to me
Don't want to hear a damned excuse
Just keep the fuck away from me

Where's your beautiful now
Haven't seen her around
Somewhere in your lies
Never told her goodbye

I don't want an apology
All of your words mean shit to me
Don't want to hear a damned excuse
Just keep the fuck away from me

I don't want an apology
All of your words mean shit to me
Don't want to hear a damned excuse
Just keep the fuck away from me

Hope you're happy
You pathetic shit
10 years of this
And it's gone to far

I don't want an apology
All of your words mean shit to me
Don't want to hear a damned excuse
Just keep the fuck away from me
I don't want an apology
All of your words mean shit to me
Don't want to hear a damned excuse
Just keep the fuck away from me

Você já desperdiçou muito do meu tempo
Equanto eu deixava a sua vida você lentamente destruía a minha
Na verdade estou feliz que você foi embora
Talvez agora você possa entender o significado de errado

Eu não quero uma desculpa
Todas as suas palavras não significam merda nenhuma pra mim
Não quero ouvir uma maldita desculpa
Apenas fique longe de mim

Onde está sua linda agora?
Não a vi por perto
Em algum lugar em suas mentiras
Nunca disse adeus a ela

Espero que Você esteja feliz
Seu patético
10 anos disso
E foi longe demais