Time is not returning to the days of yore When the Party consisted of only seven people Realities of the world are different Tactics cannot remain in practice wholly unchanged Yet as is the nature of our struggle eternal We must retain the proper spirit of the program Persist in the quest for total power Banish all moderate views and shun half-measures Advocate the all encompassing nature The totality of the NS doctrine Behold the magnificence uphold the virtuousness Reject the ignoble elements infiltrating the movement Fidelity shall triumph and smash the lowliness The selfish, the meek, the lowly, the weak Animated by the Triumph of the Will Courage and determination unending Rise superior to write uncorrupted history Blood rushing to fight - hail victory! Barriers erected by the enemy and the world of suffering (If all else fails) will be overcome by the power of the will From the dusk of the fallen age a new dawn is rising United for a common purpose and destiny