Unbreakable bond of blood and loyalty lasting unto death Incessant aggression retained until the final breath Bold in the heat of battle where all struggle for one By creed they shall not be men but gods Utmost ferocity Knowing not defeat Mastering destiny In the storm of steel Spurning sentimental weakness, mercy and charity Heedless of excessive brutality but lack of discipline Scorning the falsities of life affirmed in warfare Fearless, smiling on death but not with imprudence Utmost ferocity Knowing not defeat Mastering destiny In the storm of steel Advancing formations in black engage the enemy Lash onto task in hand with utmost ferocity Defying all rules of engagement, standards of martial achievement Conditions notwithstanding fiercely forging ahead Unerring command Unfailing performance Unfaltering belief Unconquered by enemy Unbreakable bond of blood and loyalty lasting unto death Incessant aggression retained until the final breath With weapons of war and destruction Like a thunderbolt in motion Thrusting ever onwards Furor Teutonicus Unerring command Unfailing performance Unfaltering belief Unconquered by enemy