
Pagan at War


Like an error into the modern empire 
I was born with the mind of the ancesters 
Oh elders I am your why am I in this time ? 
So I feel each instant the defeat of mine 
Against the serpent-tonged disciples of christ 
With their lies these bastards have brought us to this hell 
I hate this world! Why don't I fight with the ones of my kind? 
The old fire is still rising ! 
Burn ! 
Pagan we are ! Pagan at war ! 
They should have killed us all a thousand years ago 
But we did survive and bedevilled we are back 
Furor of the past ! Pagan at war ! 
Mortal and proud 
I hate them I can't pretend any sympathy at all 
I see them living their shit without truth or wisdom 
Oh forests oh spirits you are dead vengeance is coming ! 
They are false, they don't know, let us battle for you ! 
Rising against their rules I do choose what I adore 
Not the laws that they have done ! 
Absolute is my choice !!! 
Absolute is my choic