Whispers of pendulum filling the cage of your mind Painting its walls with pure hatred Freezing the flames of chaos once turned into word Cosmic feeling once turned into dust Together we stand and challenge the crowds of god Annihilation of lies hidden beyond the core Thoughts of free will spinning around And waiting for souls where life doesn't mean anything - Dream of a Kingdom where Chaos and Word used to be Unity Congregation of those who revengefully look into eyes of deceiver And burn out his world of forbidden truth Whispers of pendulum filling the cage of your mind Painting its walls with pure hatred Freezing the flames of word once turned into chaos [Lead: Quazarre] [Lead: Armers] And you - nail him down to the cross Feel sweet taste of power and omnipotence And they nail you down to the cross Feel sweet taste of retribution and greed for the power of someone who claims to be God "Et cum consummati fuerint mille anni solvetur Satanas de carcere suo et exibit et seducet gentes quae sunt super quattuor angulos terrae Gog et Magog et congregabit eos in proelium quorum numerus est sicut harena maris"