
I Walk Among Them


Can't find my way out
I'm trapped below
The stench of the undead
It fills the air
They are getting nearer
I hear them growl
The pulse of my heartbeat
Attracts their rotten minds

With my blood they feast, hate in their eyes
They feed on me, I'm still alive

They rip my flesh in hunger
They tear my skin, I'm screaming
My limbs are torn as I deform through slaughter

I am dead now
But still I see
My body is rotting
Breathless being
I walk among them
With the thirst of blood
Into the daylight
To start our killing spree

With the urge to kill we walk the earth
Devouring flesh to stop the pain

The end of days
I rip your flesh in hunger
I tear your skin, you're screaming
Your limbs are torn as you deform through slaughter

I am dead now
But still I see
My body is rotting
Breathless being