Ruin is the way! So vicious is your gaze. It puts men down in their coffins early! Haunted by a memory… Of time, Wasted by you Wasted by me… Thoughts of what was meant to be! By the way, Ruin is the way. So vicious it… Makes them suffer! Fucking run for cover! You’re good from far but far…from Good intentions Never learned those lessons! You need confession now! It’s.. Irrelevant Just… what you want Take it! Back down to the grave, Just admit it’s not your day Filthy as a thought to see Outstretched in memory Back down to the grave Just admit it you can’t be saved You’re filthy as a memory Outstretched for all to see You’re a superstar of dysfunction! It’s a miracle that you function! Gonna put you in a coffin early, so early! Haunted by the way that it was. It ended because you... made me suffer Just make your move It’s much better than being a marked man It makes them suffer I’ll make it out of this place If I don’t make it out alive at least they’ll hear my cries, Hear my cries Makes me suffer Back down to the grave