arrival at the wrong place, incidental manipulations, reasonless undeliberate deeds, torn connections, unused opportunities. the ways can't be ungone, me following the plan. decisions can't be undone turn-offs, shattered illusions the failures i have seen corrupt my structure-of-life-machine there is nothing right in where i reached this night left behind by progress of life desolate past reflected in my eyes exhausted from the struggle against what's closing in on me against the walls that block my way against what i have seen motivation's almost gone, the will to defend what makes me live. hate remains, a crippling frenzy unleashed by lack of construction smash reality! destroy this empty futile realm! the failures i have seen corrupt my structure-of-life-machine there is nothing right in where i reached this night left behind by progress of life desolate past reflected in my eyes grip is lost time winds away drifting apart nauseated by recognition the failures i have seen corrupt my structure-of-life-machine there is nothing right in where i reached this night left behind by progress of life desolate past reflected in my eyes destinations fade