
Progressive Disorder


Purity of life carried of by sin and pain
Making people’s battles and hopes go all in vain

Sequelas de uma historia levada sem valor mescladas a uma cultura invasiva e também incolor

Solid black remains our only shade of gray
Dishonesty increases as honor goes away

Forjada é a alegria através da nossa televisão. Mas é dada sim esmola enganosa pelo pão

This deceiving order
Bringing just disorder
And the claimed progress
Will come as we protest

The fruit of good and evil is always reason for shame
Breaking our culture with pre-set rules that are lame

A labuta que garante o arroz e o feijão se torna a chacota dessa porra dessa corrupção

This deceiving order
Bringing just disorder
And the claimed progress
Will come as we protest

Lies...I see you
You robber

It’s time to put down your mask

Lies...I see you
You murderer

We won’t serve you as puppets