victimless circumstance condemned by prejudice self-appointed jury concedes no innocence suffer of hate plots his vindictive ways death becomes imminent, life no longer is a game execution, endlessly choice of death, what will it be the fatal conflict beckons thee retribution, set me free swift, rabid punishment for those cause the pain vehement death vendetta from a man labeled insane slicing away his agony, his agony, morbid judgement has been passed ravager of solace smiles - the anguish now released determinating fury spreading death through the reign fallen remnats from a mind described as cynical through pain life's value extracted by an unrestricting grief inevitable fear unheard destroying silent screams retribution, set me free victim lies in dormancy the fatal conflict has been fought endless struggle, death is sought solo: elizondo justice is served in his mind but not in others the law of degradation that cast their shadows seem despondent victim becomes victim in a system ran by lies pondering what he has done as they tape electrodes to his eyes insanity the final plea escape the tortured path remorses is inconceivableaccept the chosen path blind by hatred driven by a revengeful eye no peas, regrets, or penance seen, the time has to come to die choice of death, what will it be flick the witch to be free no regrets, no final pleas retribution, killing me