Deva (Ita)

Dancing Lane

Deva (Ita)

Invisible beauty, one hundred miles per hour,
erasing the present, forgetting all these years,
she comes from places far, growing during her moves,
she's silent she's so big over the things she sees.

She's coming up too fast, she doesn't care about
how long it takes to get to anywhere again.
Moved by the wind she lands looking down to the ground,
so many lives behind, so many through her arms.

I close my eyes to see no suffering behind,
dancing lane of beautiful things that I can choose
as I want, before they're wasted inside,
dancing lane, the circle'll be closed in silence.

She turns an empty face and spreads her arms to take
everything in that hug, then nothing's getting back.
No people to forget, no people to call out,
everything's full and free inside this dancing being.


She rests through winds and waves somewhere over the sea
then wakes up suddenly growing up to the sky.
Losing the things she tries to keep onto herself,
ten thousands miles a day and tons of deaths and pains.

Then when I come with my blind soul
I let loose my arms of wind that get in through doors and windows,
cut lives in hundreds and separate the mothers from their sons.
