
Tales From The Midst Of The Battle


Prologue: above the mountains

Part i: the mission

General kyrios, son of the king
Lived far away, higher than highest mountain
Once the king called him and said:
"my son, i've got a mission for you
It'll be dangerous and could take you to death
But you're the only one who can get through"

So kyrios left his glorious home
Thirty long years he wandered alone
Preparing himself to fight against the evil ruler
Apollyon, who enslaved and hated the people

General kyrios chose twelve lieutenants
Roaming with them he gathered troops
He helped the poor, sick and the weak
That was something he wanted to teach

When three hard years had gone
He had soldiers and friends, he was the one
But also apollyon had loyal men
Who were blindly under his command

They thought about how to get rid of the general
Then they got help from an astonishing level
One of kyrios' men was a traitor
He promised to betray his lord for the money

Part ii: the death of kyrios

They came to garden at the nightfall
Kyrios was given to them by the traitor
The soldiers put him in the detention
And so the lieutenants lost their grand general

Before the provincial governer they blamed:
"he agitates our people and says: 'i'm the king!'"
He said: "i will condemn you to death."

Apollyon's men tortured the general
They laughed at him, they spat on his face
And at last - like a thief - like a thief - he was slayed!
The troops of kyrios were hiding
They were scared, they were wondering
"how this badly can be everything?
Without our general the war we cannot win."

Three days were gone, filled with sorrow and pain
The general was buried, they could not gain
His friends, they could see no hope
And the traitor had died at the end of a rope

Part iii: the hymn for victory

With the first beams of morning sun
Came some women from the grave and told everyone
"it's empty, he's no longer there, he lives again"

With the first beams of morning sun
Came some women from the grave and told everyone
"it's empty, he's no longer there, he lives again"

He fought the fight, he won the war!
He fought the fight, he won the war!
He fought the fight, he won the war!
He fought the fight, he won the war!

Apollyon was overthrown, he had no power anymore
To enslave the people with his evil force

Kyrios plundered to freedom all who believed in him
Now they were free from fear, free from death and sin
Whoever wants to can live his life free
In the troops of kyrios, who is j.c.

To the father's home with him we will arive
Above the mountains, into the heaven's high
And apollyon, who is satan, will be
Thrown into the abyss, the fiery sea

Epilogue: the arrival (welcome home)