There you are, beside me, brother of mine We fought the good fight, the end is nigh It has been a long night, like never ending We have been beaten up, yet never surrendering Can you hear it? Can you hear it? Can you hear it? I can hear it! Choir of silenced voices, children of the catacombs Martyrs of the ancient era joining the forces The most beautiful song of all times to hear Band of mutes singing, singing loud and clear Hail to the king of kings Saviour and redeem of all our sins Thy will be done, lord most high You are messiah, one of a kind Nations are in dismay, the heavens are shaking What is coming? what is coming? coming upon the world? The son of man is coming with glory and the kingdom of god Stand erect and raise your head, redemption is at hand Can you hear it? Can you hear it? Can you hear it? I can hear it!