See this pain in my empty eyes And the hopelessness as my flame slowly dies? The last seed of hope was taken away As I saw the end for pain hanging at the end of the rope Noose will be my only company as I take my last breath Killing self kills the pain and brings the peace I assume, but what if pain never ceases? Life can be hell, would it stop with a bang? Love and death embrace the rope on which I hang Still something keeps me an inch away from death Follow the misleader, follow Claiming to be a solution for pain Fulfiller of dreams and the ceaser of sorrow He is the misleader, follow Just wondering why are my thoughts so unclear Easing the pain shouldn't raise this kind of fear So why do I need the booze to blow the fear away? Until I know the answer, on this chair my feet will stay Standing there through the night, the dawn will see me pray See this pain in my anguished heart And the hopelessness that tears my soul apart? Very clearly I hear those words all around “End for the pain, through death it is found Sinless man died for you, don't have to throw your life away!†Follow the Misleader, no more Christ came to be the solution for pain Donor of Life and the ceaser of sorrow He is the true Leader, follow