My body is delivered unto thorns, My eyes are enslaved in the colours of umbra, Dark oceans now arise, Above the hills, They shade the sky with their forlorn hue, Pointless is the endeavour to continue, In this endless stream of light.... Conjure! An apparition of pestilence, To roam across the heavens, Conjure! An abomination of disgust, To desecrate the bowels of our sublunary sphere, ....Abhorrent are the screams, from the infernal deep, May their ghosts ever dance at the edge of the cold tides, Purulent are the veins that force life through me, May they forever waste away the tissue of my corporeal form, I bled, A blizzard of affliction, I exit this world of repulsive flesh, In immense pain, intense pain....Malady encompassing the asterism, Tartaric is the ambience, an aura of vexation descends, I crumble within this void of arterial decay, Flow forth, foul tide of repugnance, worlds shall rot, In your stagnant waste....Shed free of your flesh painful spirit, Obscured are ye thus....In your temple of incarnation, ....Regurgitate the putrescence, tortured wretch, Vomit the ghost of your being, let no mortality remain, A weeping opening in the skin of the soul, has born a reason, To never breath again, In Deaths eye's The soul sleeps forever, in search of slumber, It drifts through the fields of ebony dreams, through veils of tears, Through a bleeding shroud that encompasses all, Like the remembrance of wounds, and the pearls of sorrow, That lacerate as they fall, I exit this world of repulsive flesh, In immense pain....Consecrate this skin with pain, Bind these bones in lamentation, mutilate beyond all recognition, The limbs that personify the effigy of flesh, remorseful dawn, Deny the light, as eminence is imprisoned, Within chambers of colossal enmity.... The enmity of despair, we don the blight for failure, Innumerable is the loss, defaced, Is the composition of all creation, Obliterated now, is that which yields all hope, Desolate the souls, forever disgraced, in utter abrogation, Pawns of malevolence, blessed are souls, That suffer the spiritual scars....