Upon return, the warriors discovered their home had been Completely destroyed Fires raged around them and bodies lay strewn upon The ground in a circular pattern What madness is this!?!?! Sanity be damned, what is capable of such horrors? A woman raised her bloodied arm to signal the collective over to Her, gasping for air, she spoke barely audibly They, they rained death upon us like the showers of the morn There was no chance to defend ourselves Who were they? Did you see their faces? There were hordes descended upon us, led by a man with Blackened crimsoned eyes and a glow that you could see over the hills We accepted defeat before battle Wretched fools, shall pay for their insatiable death run Euuuuugh And with, and with that, and with that she perished Then spoke I know what has taken place here I have heard tales of the ancients which hold secret powers This land bleeds deep What must we do now? Find the keeper