


Tom: E

Harmonic = 
Slide Up = /

Listen to the song for exact timing
I tried to indicate the timing roughly with different numbers of dashes
Tune Down to C

       P.*|     P.*|

       P.*|     P.*|


|.---------------------------------------------------.|     Don't slide
|-----------------------------------------------------| X3  the 7 note
|-----------------------------------------------------|     2nd & 3rd time

              Riff 1
|-9----11----|----------------------------| X4 
             |                            |
             |----------------------------12-10-9----| play on second
             |--------------------12-10-9------------| play of riff 1
             |----------13-12-10---------------------| (do not repeat
             |-13-12-10------------------------------| this riff)
         dip whammy pedal here

             |-12-15----------------------------15-12-| play on fourth play
             |-------14----------------------14-------| of riff 1 (do not
             |----------14----------------14----------| repeat this riff)
                      dip whammy pedal here

                          |                     |                       
                          |                     |                         
                            ^     ^     ^     ^
                           dip whammy pedal here

                          |                               |
                          |                               |

end of song.

Tab by: Diablomastabarb

We will make everything metal, blacker than the blackest black..  X infinite.