Rabid Maniac headbanging Every night What we must do what We believe to be right We were born unto Leather, chains, and steel The power of DESTRUCTOR Is what we feel Black iron stacks Towering the stage Thrash! Going wild! We're burning with rage! Exploding with metal We ride our domain Molten sonic feedback Drives us insane Pounding the heaviest Of metal! Pushing ourselves over The top to the edge! We're got the future - We've got the power Mad chronic Headbangers Shouting louder People with hang-ups Try to bring us down Smash those FUCKERS Make our sound! Pounding the heaviest Of metal! Pushing ourselves over The top to the edge! Come on Flammable Overkill Pound Holocaust We have no mercy Only total speed Extreme power metal On which we feed Hot melting leather The chains that grind Sound of ripping metal Summons our kind Our amps overload You're going wild Destroyed twisted stage Left in a pile Pounding the heaviest Of metal! Pushing ourselves over The top to the edge! DESTRUCTOR!