Destroying Divinity

Name Written With Blood

Destroying Divinity

The name covered with blood
Crowds of continuators
By the name of the ones who defend
To accept the saviour.

The holy words in the hands of inquisition.
Sow death
Words of pain
Words in the hands of executors
Invoke death with crosses.

Blood only blood
The ones who talk the way of violence
Blood onyl blood
The ones who talk with crosses
Bring the judgment day
Blood pouring over the hands
Will fly through without the end
Everybody will perish under the shade of cross.

Jesus master of bloodthirsty beastes
Black angel bringing death.

Be saved from it or damnation awaits you
Be resurrected receive body of the one who will destroy you
Be blessed with summy of blood
Be one of us or you will loose your life
Only the selected ones wil walk on
The rest will be devoured by flames of purgatory
Turn back from behind the river of dead
Become one of us

Temples covered with faces
Son of god nailed up to cross
Just turn your sight right to him
You want to come to an end
We killed our own son
So join us and you will not die.

Jesus master of bloodthirsty beastes
Black angel bringing death.
Is coming...