stolen charred dark of my heart is so starkly contrasted against the lights of the sky. pathways derived from the constellation's stride - arrogant, I would think them my guide. chorus i. my selfish faith, this saving grace. are these chains not loosed from me? i breathe contempt, i've no defense. we have everything we need. marred endless days i spent aching for truth, and forty long nights to be spoken of too. You're so casually revered, but I need You here, I need to dry my trembling face upon Your beard chorus ii i drift apart from what's discerned, come hell or high water i've learned. i breathe contempt, i've no defense. i curse Your name almost every day. bridge the hull is snapping, my voice is cracking, water floods my lungs and chest, i don't know what to do - i'm saline and salted, stricken bereft, i shake and i shake but there's just nothing left. so I grab Your hand, but I thrust stakes in, acting charming, coy, uncertain of my sin. but through the holes in Your hands, i can see everything; the meaning of the world, human history. the book is sealed, let my will be Thine, for by Your wounds - not mine - are we healed. stave off the cold, stave off the cold. no, i am not my failures. i will tread water no more, (my heart is Yours) for I have washed along these shores - to Jesus Christ, my Saviour.