Destination's Calling

Invisible Walls

Destination's Calling

Darkness flows around us 
In this vanity we're passing by 
Drawing fancy lines on our 
Empty walls inside 

Chiming bells of decay 
We cannot defy 
Are hunting for more 
To numb the tears we cry 
Timeless is the dawn and the setting sun 
- who cares 
In the rush we're searching for their light 

We will tear down the wall 
Of estrangement, set the boundaries free 
Hold on, beware of 
Searching for more that's beyond your reach 
Fear the fall - time is the wall 

Talked to a wise man 
He replied and gave a smile 
I met the fortune 
And the light within his eyes 
And than from far away I hear him say 
Time is a treasure we hold in our hands 

We will tear down the wall 
Of estrangement, set the boundaries free 
Hold on, beware of 
Searching for more that's beyond your reach 
Fear the fall - time is the wall 

Inside us memories seem to be fading 
Drifting into the black unknown 

No one will know 
What if we turn around 
Away from this world we see 
And searching for more 
As the night placed its shades 
We carry pain born from disgrace 

Now I can feel the space and time 
By looking through wise man's eyes 
As the hourglass falls down 
These voices in my head are speaking to me 

As the rain comes down 
The tears of salvation drown the day 
Searching for truth we can't go on 
Living this way 
Follow one by one 
Existence of our fear is all the same 
It's just the phobia to lose this endless game 

We will tear down the wall 
Of estrangement, set the boundaries free 
Hold on, beware of 
Searching for more that's beyond your reach 
Fear the fall - time is the wall 


We are all individuals. 
Somehow everyone lives in a world 
where borders lie on the edge 
of our conciousness. 
They clearly define who we are. 

But the space where 
two borders collide is undefined. 
- Invisible Walls - 
We all know them but can't give names. 
Sometimes these borders can be passed 
with great effort and a lot of strength. 
That's what we call love.