Slaves of power leave me alone obey your masters but do it on your own serve their rules so fashionable and new join their parties they are waiting for you The oppressor is laughing you're doing your job you're paying the price wanking mob all you socialist fuckers and nazi boys you're trying to get me like the fucking oi's I'm fed up with your rotten spies telling me ridiculous lies lazy hashheads are swilling their tea Enjoying their trips believing they're free violent oi's and marxist skunx they hit me where they can like the nazi punx tug me to the left push me to the right commies and skins they they think they're bright Can't you see you're all the same you're looking for power and enemies to blame Split your heads consume your drugs hear them laughing the system sucks But don't dare to bother me with your fucking ideologies Can't you see i'm just a rotten nihilist I'm trying to live my life here in peace i'm hot one of those fascists suffering from a blades disease It is me i'm the only one who really does count i've got no major interest and i just don't want to die