Darkness was over the surface of the deep Do not be afraid of what you’re about to suffer Endure and embrace the evil within From the ashes of the battle, you can hear they sing Unholy Unholy Unholy Praise be the unholy Spirit Unholy Unholy Unholy The scientist of darkness is about to begin his reign of terror Down in the abyss I’ll show you who will sit on the throne Unholy spirit, cleanse this world from the abomination of the divine The Sun and sky were darkened by the smoke achieved from the abyss Locusts came out from his mouth and starts eating the flesh of the believers Every filthy angel will confess this is hell on earth Fall into the abyss of sins The devil has turned you into a torture machine Deep down into the void He’s one of the seven knights of pain You don’t dare to say his name Unholy spirit spells all names in vain When he comes there’s no safe shelter Gluttony will take his reign Full of pride and no shame The end is close now there’s no blood left to the altar of divine Men will open their eyes to the new kingdom of the demise The end is close now there’s no blood left to the altar of divine The name will be revealed when doomsday becomes the new paradise His name is lord of the flies Lord of the flies Gluttony Lord of the flies Gluttony Lord of the Beelzebub Gluttony Lord of the Flies Gluttony Lord of the flies