


There is a land,

That crossed your mind,

It's a home,

A home made of rainbow.

Whispering dome,

Beneath the rain,

Treasures up,

A growing eco.

The sparks are lighting up the sky,

Reflections travel through your eyes,

Cromatic scream, instincts wild.

I'm part of it, it's part of me,

A very special rendez-vouz,

So large it makes me feel free.

Gazing, moving, finding,

Arrow rainbow.

Rising, sliding, flowing,

Arrow rainbow.

Cel d'estiu,

Som diferents,

Rius de llum,

Ens il·luminen.

Creu en mi,

L'espai és viu,

Volem junts,

Sentim-nos lliures.

The sparks are lighting up the sky,

Reflections travel through your eyes,

Cromatic scream, instincts wild.

I'm part of it, it's part of me,

A very special rendez-vouz,

So large it makes me feel free.

Gazing, moving, finding,

Arrow rainbow.

Rising, sliding, flowing,

Arrow rainbow