Desert Chameleons


Desert Chameleons

For bloody cops with sweet guns
The pretty girls used to lie
The bloody drains are bloody fucked
In your weird smoking kind

The colour scheme is bloody brown
Everywhere in chicken town
The bloody pubs are bloody dull
Of bloody girls and bloody dumbs

But she could take me anywhere
And her blood stucked in my mind
Make me feel again in there
In the fucking chickentown

A bloody Caim is bloody stabbed
Waiting for a bloody Abel
Your blood sleeping in my home
Standing there, just in my table

Keep the bloody racket down
This is bloody chicken town
The bloody clocks are bloody wrong
The bloody days are bloody down

But she could take me anywhere
And her blood stucked in my mind
Make me feel again in there
In the fucking chickentown

It bloody gets you bloody down
Evidently chicken town
You're bloody lost and bloody found
Stuck in fucking chicken town