profanations penetrates my eyes through pandemonic manifestation beginning a destroctive chaos... the hate flows in my poisoned veins incomprehensibly burning the fakeness that surround us. crusified humanity suffers the decadence impuriting christianity that weakens hipocrisy procriating infernal rebellions supreme wishes manifastating my hate surviving in hate - hate - hate - hate.... my cold heart pulses vengences my feelings feel a cruel hunger of kill demons claim divine treasor the falseness is smashed by the truth. I see and feel hate for you hate to kill , destroy , exterminate chorus surviving in hate... rising from the comgregration of end of times rissing from the wars of the pathetic world I survive in pure hate. unholy killing under teh christian faith pulverizing the sacred conjurations I am the inopportunous renegate son of god the hate nailed in my veins smashes and burn our weakness. the supreme devote brings the nocturne fornications in molestation I survive in blaspheme and reflect in the hate mirror that I am umpure chorus