Mountain of the altar of the sun The all encumpassing apex of the paramount In slaughtring the wretch we come as one The remains left strewn amongst the battlefront A nation torn to pieces shall we rebuild this day Beacon of freedom's fury shall light the shaded way ......and burn for ages Bright as the sun that shall rise before thee Forever freed of the storm Dark passage through sacrifice and fury Reborn, hardened, son of the war Raise a toast to suffering and sprite For the armor that i bear is shrouded in their victory For those whom did not make it through the night We beat the drums of balance and of purity We've sown the seeds of never, bled dry the leagues of fate We stoke the ancient's fire, this night shall never fade ......and burn for ages Bright as the sun that shall rise before thee Forever freed of the storm Dark passage through sacrifice and fury Reborn, hardened, son of the war