Derek Webb


Derek Webb

Beloved these are dangerous times 
because you are weightless like a leaf from the vine 
and the wind has blown you all over town 
because there is nothing holding you to the ground 

So now you would rather be 
a slave again than free from the law 

Beloved listen to me 
don't believe all that you see 
and don't you ever let anyone tell you 
that there's anything that you need 
but me 

Beloved these are perilous days 
when your culture is so set in it's ways 
that you will listen to salesmen and thieves 
preaching other than the truth you've received 

Because they are telling lies 
for they cannot circumcise your hearts 

Beloved there is nothing more 
no more blessings and no more rewards 
than the treasure of my body and blood 
given freely to all daughters and sons.