Dormant I gaze upon death, I hail your flesh Ages since I wanted to live, Ill spawn pain Ill spawn pain Ill make you a servant in a world of slaves I define his world of shit Ill make you a servant in a world of slaves I define his world of shit Unworthy to once again feel life Unworthy to walk the edge of the knife Unworthy to experience plain death Unworthy to walk this globe of shit So eager to hail being which are better off dead In this world of slime we rage No expulsive motive, just to kill and drain your pieces of flesh again Unworthy to once again feel life Unworthy to walk the edge of the knife Unworthy to experience plain death Unworthy to walk this globe of shit So eager to hail being which are better off dead In this world of slime we rage No expulsive motive, just to kill and drain your pieces of flesh again You're nothing but an ugly piece of filthy meat A whore and I'm more then eager to see you down on your knees Licking your wounds You, a worthless piece of flesh Ill spawn pain, Ill reserve death You, a worthless piece of flesh Hail the mortal agony I define this world of shit