Der Stürmer


Der Stürmer

Superior Troops of Runic Might
The Aryan Elite prepared for Strife
Marching for the Fatherland's Glory
Unshaken Pillars of the Reich

Blitzkrieg Storm waste the enemy lines
Untermenschen shot dead in the mud
Panzer-wheels roll over Scorched ground
Totenkopf and Runes inspire the Will to Fight

Behold the Knight in Solemn Black Manner
With a Skull on his Crest and Blood on his Banner

Victory for the Black Nights
Aryan Whirlwind Sweeps the Steppe
Unshaken, Loyal, Strong and Brave
The Aryan Overman on the Path of Triumph

Hail to those who bled for the Reich
Those who met a Glorious Death in Strife
And as long their Cause burns in us
The SS-Heroes are still Marching-On…