Depth Beyond One's

A Human Decay

Depth Beyond One's

I'm going to rip your ovary out
You fucking oddballs of sex
Your excuses are irrelevant

A second ago
Everything so normal

A secong to go
Me inside of you

Chaos vortex spinning
Chaos vortex spinning

God, where are you now?

Why in the hell it is happening to us?

You can (you can)
Never (you can never)
Hold back (hold back)
What you are (what?)

You can (you can)
Never (you can never)
Hold back (hold back)
What you're not (not)

Vortex of chaos / inside of me / taking
Control over / order / perfection / two
Unite / collide contradiction / the
Inside full / of pure evil / the elements
Ready / for me to rule / i become / god

You can (you can)
Never (you can never)
Hold back (hold back)
What you are (what?)

You can (you can)
Never (you can never)
Hold back (hold back)
What you're not (not)

Rot, pressure like hell
Spiraling downward
The sickness fits well
I'm sharp like a shard

Where were god's eyes
When i laid my hands
Upon your virgin flesh?

What is done is done..

..and the world murmurs

The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good

And no one is dreaming of you
Mearely children, aren't we all

One can't resist it's call
See this is how the world will be
The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good

And no one is dreaming of you
Mearely children, aren't we all

The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good
The world keeps dreaming of good

This is how the world will be

Rot, pressure like hell
Spiraling downward
The sickness fits well
I'm sharp like a shard

"where were god's eyes
When i laid my hands
Upon your virgin flesh?"

What is done is done..

..and the world murmurs

A plea for forgiveness (guitar solo)

You can (you can)
Never (you can never)
Hold back (hold back)
What you are (what?)

You can (you can)
Never (you can never)
Hold back (hold back)
What you're not (not)

Rot, pressure like hell
Spiraling downward
The sickness fits well
I'm sharp like a shard

Where were god's eyes
When i laid my hands
Upon your virgin flesh?

What is done is done..

..and the world murmurs

When she died
I was born
Burnt to a frazzle
No choice but to become

A hideous monster

Selfish eyes
Look anywhere but here
Scenes of horror
Became rutine

Happy faces
And beautiful smiles
Yet father loving
His child by nights

By the bank
Deep peace and
A void of zen

Maybe there is
A place for us
To try again

When she died
I was born
Burnt to a frazzle
No choice but to become

A hideous monster

Am god
A human decay

Mirror mind
For one is all

Oh, i will cry her name
And you will cry on my shame

Am god (am god)
A human decay

Mirror mind
For one is all (all)

Oh, i will cry her name (name)
And you will cry on my shame (shame)