since the night of times religion is in the heart of all conflicts generating violence, terrorism and fanaticism and killing out unbelievers for a non-existent icon the Christians threw in the lapse of memory all those which did not venerate their idol and which did not read their books of scabious dogmas but all these "sheeps" will end up awaking 24 august 1572 when the chimes of the church sounded the alarm bell these men with white crosses on their pourpoint massacred, cut the throat of, violated for the pleasure of Medicis remember these words left any rights of the paradise "Eh bien ! Par la mort Dieu, soit ! Mais qu'on les tue tous, Qu'il n'en reste pas un pour me le reprocher après !" remember when the phalangists slaughtered thousand innocents in the refugee camps of Sabred and Chatila although by taking religious difference for example of conflicts the church was always there to judge others but I will not fall into the trap my religion is my philosophy my god is my single person my statements will be the plague and your weapons will be mine violence, terrorism and fanaticism the begining of slaughter in the name of god the begining of slaughter in the name of god