


This sulpherous flames you've seen already eons ago
And it ain't long ago since you've left for higher goals
You've seen the light again and the splendour of the ancient grace
And hard was the verdict that you don't belong here any more

Pay the price for your disobediance
Descent whosoever presumes his omnipotence
Cast down again into your well-known exile
A withdrawal in failure

Beliar - Once again you'll rise
Beliar - Once again you'll reign
Beliar - Once again you'll fail
Beliar - And then you fall!
A rebel re-unparadized
The tempter no more in disguise
Revenge's seed shall redound upon
Reconquering creation's throne

Once you were sitting right beside of the throne of him
Who now condamnes you out of his hallowed reich
Once you were the brightest star of all in the pantheon
And now you're left as byronic hero of your pandemonic tragedy

Now you hold your council filled with vindictive wounds
Once you will return to sow the seed of decay

Beliar - Once again you'll rise…

A rebel re-unparadized
Accuser - Seducer - Belair