
The Perfect Murderer


Enter the room to act as their doom
Everything is prepared for you
Instincts switched on, emotions switched off
Mission awaits being completed by you
You don't ask why and you don't ask how
You fulfill the job you're predestined for
Massacre begins, several lives end
While the protagonist is mentally absent

You will die before you lived
And you have lived before your birth
You have killed before you knew
The difference of life and death
Beneath the borders of reality
You spend a life beyond self-control
There are other sides of right and wrong
You're the innocent destructiveness

This is what you have done
And what you see is
What you were made for
Cause you're abused

Back in the street remember your deed
But what there've just happened you cannot repeat
All is wiped out just like a bad dream
For you are a victim of brainwash supreme
Misused as a tool, mistreated as fool
An unaware culprit just lead by their rule
Mission complete, remembrance delete
For the perfect murderer doesn't know about his deeds

You will die before you lived…

This is what you have done…